SPANDHN: A Film on FPO's
In Indian subcontinent, agriculture began by 9000 BCE as a result of early cultivation of plants, and domestication of crops and animals and found the way of sustainable livelihood. The ruthless exploitation under British colonial rule, not only left India with empty treasury and a broken economy, but they left us with a self destructive education system which turned us in to job seeker than producer. There was a time in post independent India, when prime Minister asked the nation for fasting to face the scarcity of food.
Over the years, Government of India has taken many path breaking initiatives to support the farming with integrated irrigation system, land reforms, chemical fertilizer and high fidelity grains. Gradually farming in India took a huge leap and again became a leader in the world in term of production.
But socio-economic growth of grass root farmer is yet to be done in a systematic format. Scientific farming to direct marketing of production, there are many unique approaches the Govt. is initiating through their prime implementing agency in agriculture sector; NABARD.

In Spandan; we discover the rigorous works, that has been propagated by NABARD and executed by hundreds of social workers, and organizations which are working day and night to enable farmer to form businesses, value add the products and open new opportunities.