Prayas | YMC | NABARD | Badi Project of Sonbhadra
Earlier last year, we got commissioned to produce a short documentary of the livelihood development project undertaken by Yusuf Meherally Centre and funded by the NABARD. Through this project; the Govt. is trying to incorporate some basic developmental measures to improve the livelihood of a very primitive yet contemporary society of Adivasi in the region of Renukoot, Sonbhadra.

During the month of April to June in 2019; when the temperature gets high and the region become most colourful; we rendered extensive shooting while reaching out to the remotest villages of the region and witness an unprecedented diorama of timeless human history.
In one hand, this journey shows us the humongous challenges these marginal citizen endures; the lack of amenities which we city duellers had been taking for granted, was so high that has left us speechless. And in the other hand we got surprised by the simplicity of their way to live a sustainable life with those minimal resources and yet find happiness.