The “Jal Jeewan Hai 2017” campaign was launched by NABARD in order to create awareness about water harvesting, conservation and judicious use of water. Nabard Uttar Pradesh had taken a huge initiative to propagate the massage in 6300 villages from 12 districts of Uttar Pradesh in its 1st stage of operation.
By the end of the project; ‘Team Rosehub’ was recruited to create a Video overview along with a Photo book about the operation. Within a small span of 14 days in the summer of 2017; we covered 12 specific districts in Uttar Pradesh and capture the breath taking beauty and witness the nerve braking challenges of these area.
The Photo book in a beautiful visual journey depicting the daily life of rural India and continuously growing challenges regarding water. With exclusive photographs, 3d and 2d illustrations and well written content; the photo book will grasp your attention and leave a long lasting impact.
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