Audio video has always been a strong medium of communication. with the changing times when there was a rise of YouTube, in the year 2012 we identified that it was the most effective medium to reach mass people and the most vital part of it was a good content.
Since Rosehub was started by two school teacher; Ramkesh Patel and Sagar Das so in the initials we extensively followed the content resources of Shri Arvind Gupta Ji and it left us convinced that there’s no better method than audio-video in order to share our thoughts and ideas with the world. Meanwhile the YouTube also evoked as monetization and income source, and the age of e-content has already started. Ever since then there was no looking back and we began our journey of content development. Since Sagar had a knowledge about photography and visuals and Ramkesh had learning hands on various editing software so somehow these two served to be the two tyres of the cycle in order to move it and today that cycle has turned into a 4 wheel car (oh literally, our NANDI the TRIBER).
While working on it we also noticed that there was a gap of good content in art, history and culture on YouTube. Also, something that has hit up was that there was an unavailability of content in Indian language. So, we provided an answer to this challenge.

We created our Bikaner Diary series with Canon 1100D, which was an entry level crop sensor camera, and it gave good pictures with its 12.2 megapixel sensor but due to its small sensor size it outperforms in indoor and low light situation. We used it for 4 years after which it became completely obsolete.
At that point of time we were completely out of any cameras at Rosehub but luckily Kuber got interest in photography and he somehow managed to get (by selling his buffalo and doing tomato farming) a Nikon D750 and as a rule of childhood we always take the player who has his own bat in the Gully cricket team so that is how Kuber became a part of team. Nikon D750 is a 24.2megapixel camera. Its full frame sensor gives ability to shoot not only stunning images but also manual videos with full HD at 60 frames to give a cinematic look in our films. We used it for the first time in our Bundelkhand Diary series.
In the year 2016 we got our company Incubated at MCIIE (now NCL-IIT BHU Incubation Center). We were to be offered capital fund for initiating our business operations but instead of the funds we choose to seek equipment and asked for ‘commissioned work’ to survive further. As an outcome of it we got our first commercial video project on MCIIE and along with it we got instruments worth almost Rs. 6 lakhs that included 3 computers, 1 camera, 2 lenses and some major sound recording equipment. The camera provided to us was of our choice which was 70D and guess what it felt like to own it? It was as if someone had poured a tanker full of water on our dreams. We arrived at a decision of buying this camera after watching 100s of YouTube videos on it saying that is the best camera, but it has completely failed our expectations and today it is our only ‘working’ asset which is useless. (in case if you already know the best usage of this camera then do let us know too).
When the camera part was quite aligned for us, we realized that there was a lot of stability issues in our production. That was the time when we understood the need of good tripods and monopods. We replaced our first basic tripod with two simpex video tripods. With this new addition we got access to cinematic shots for our videos with enhanced stability. However, there were still certain challenges with these tripods so we upgraded to Sirui tripod with fluid video head. It also has a strong and stable head which ensures smooth pan and tilt feature that makes the videos dreamy. We also have a monopod which helps in quick mobility since carrying a tripod from one point of shoot to another is a tedious and time taking process and during that we also miss out important shots so we prefer monopods in those cases as shooting becomes quicker.
With all these we were able to do well but then we confronted a problem that tripods were not handy in all kinds of shots. They served great when the subject was more static but not in the case of dynamic. As a solution to it we added first consumer handheld 3 axis RONIN-S Gimbal to our line of assets.
This was a great technological advancement for us and as soon as it was introduced in the market, we had it within 6 months from its launch. Now we take ample of dynamic shots wherein the camera would move but not shake.
An important underlying element here was that we not only kept on upgrading our equipment but also our skills to operate it.

Through all of it we knew that if there’s something that could totally make a video or break a video then it must be sound, so, this has always been our thrust area since the time we began. We saw that the sound captured by the camera alone wasn’t sufficient and thus in our first video production we have used a Sony pocket voice recorder. one of its challenges was that everything was automated in it and there was no manual control. upgrading from this we moved to ZOOM H6 multi track pro audio recorder and its outstanding feature was that it could record multi tracks at the same time with manual control. exploring other avenue we also added Rode NTG shotgun mike with boom pole and we have thoroughly used it in our Departments of IIT BHU video series. now the shortcoming with it was that it records externally so in post-production we have to sync audio with video.
Along with that these sound units required additional operator to handle wires and machines so for more convenience we added RODE wireless film maker kit and new addition to this is Rode wireless go.
with all these added benefits there is one biggest disadvantage that we face with the wireless devices and it is that it’s very portable.
Okay I understand your doubt here that why are we calling it portable feature a problem? it’s because many a times, a lot of prominent people have often forgot to return the device and after the interview or show they often went away with it. we had to run like mad behind them in order to bring it back and we still are unable to find an upgradation solution to this problem!

If you ask, which one is our most loved video made for a client, then the answer is “Boond-Jal Jeevan Hai” and only we know it what all we’ve been through for it.
Do you remember the shot where Vandana was carrying water and going uphill? Yes, you got it right, that was the most thought after shot as we didn’t have a drone for it, so we had to rent it. renting drone was very expensive for us and thus we collectively arrived at a decision of buying it, and and and the story doesn’t end here….. since we didn’t have funds in order to own a drone, so we had to sell 2% of our equity. By doing so we raised a fund of Rs. 2 lakhs and we bought home DJI Mavic drone, which is small, portable and able to capture 4K. We got a new exposure to aerial photography and videography.
Since it was our own drone so we experimented a lot with it, flew it in the room, broke its all 4 arms, crashed it multiple times, almost lost it while flying but yet today we have it with us, supporting us completely in all that we do.
Due to its multiple crash and a manufacturing defect that fog would accumulate on the camera lenses, we could not use it during winter so we decided to go for a better option which was Phantom 4 V2 due to its large imaging sensor and great flight stability we unlocked a new level of aerial photography and now we use it in almost all our productions and you never know, at what moment we might upgrade to Inspire? (fingers crossed)
Today after all these years and endless journeys at core we still are the same that we were initially, ‘TEACHERS ‘and probably we will continue to be that till the end. During these challenging times of COVID-19 we maneuvered ourselves and understood the need for broadcasting as these days right from teachings to meetings, from get togethers to events, everything is taking place in the online mode.
With these current happenings around the world we understood the sine-qua-non of live broadcasting and our first project of this kind was a live broadcast of the event named INGIA which included doctors from all across the globe and we carried out the session very smoothly. The device that we used for the first time was ultra-studio mini recorder that would connect our SLRs with HDMI and convert it into webcam.
With this we also kept on upgrading regularly both our tools and skills. So, we recently bought ATEM Mini for this purpose through which now we can use 4 cameras at the same time.
We used it in our recent live program of NCL’s Independence Day celebration.
We also own various lights and other supporting equipment required for a cult movie production but at Rosehub we mostly prefer to shoot in the natural light. Keeping at par with our ever-evolving assets we make sure that we also continuously upgrade our human asset too as result of which we keep on moving towards better editing software by using fully licensed software.