Rosehub's 5th Year Book

Rosehub Touching 5th Year

We believe that our education should have been focused on developing creativity and productivity in all students as per their preferences and capabilities, and must not be forcing the students to mug up purposeless stuffs to gather certificates. Surely a very few percentage of these people, who get this formal education for years, and then […]

Dr. Rakesh Tewari

Gap Sap | With Rakesh Tewari | Former Director General ASI, India

Gap Sap with Rakesh Tewari भारतीय पुरातत्व सर्वेक्षण के पूर्व महानिदेशक डा0 राकेश तिवारी जी से एक खास मुलाकात.जो पेशे से पुरातत्वविद,स्वभाव से घुमक्कड़ और हृदय से साहित्यकार हैं जानिए उनकी उपलब्धियां, जीवन के अनुभव और कई रोचक संस्मरण गप-शप की इस कड़ी में | Former Director of Archeological Survey of India, Dr. Rakesh Tewari […]